We begin with a conversation.

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We want to know about you and your book. What’s the heart and soul of your story? What inspired you to write? Who is your audience?

After an introduction, we’ll review your manuscript, and follow up shortly with a plan for how we can help, including, at no charge, a sample edit and a detailed work proposal. The work proposal will include several options, at different price points, which you can choose from and customize to meet your literary goals.



Within our mission focus, we offer a wide range of services:

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Developmental editing addresses “big picture” issues—plot, character, structure, style, genre, argument, length, title.

Line editing addresses language at the sentence and paragraph level, with particular attention to redundancy, clarity, clichés, tone, pacing, and word choice.

Copyediting addresses technical issues, such as spelling, grammar, punctuation, syntax, fact checking, and narrative consistency.

We also offer manuscript assessment, which is a less “hands-on” (comments and track changes are kept to a minimum) but still comprehensive edit whose findings are summarized in an editorial letter.

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When it comes to attracting a reader, a cover design is nearly as important as a title (some would say more important). Our covers are created with input from our editorial and publicity team.

We do interior book design for either digital print-on-demand or offset print runs, paying special attention to the specifications of your genre and format to create files the printer uses to produce a physical book.

We do interior eBook design for all the popular eBook formats.

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We create traditional publicity campaigns to solicit book reviews or author features in newspapers and magazines, or author presentations at bookstores.

We do new media publicity to solicit book reviews, author features, and word of mouth in social media, blogs, podcasts, and other emerging networks.

We help authors develop strong press kits.

As reading practices change, we’re attentive to creative opportunities for cross-media publicity, including tie-ins with film, TV, games, music, or other forms.

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For authors who might need more short-term or focused work—whether that’s brainstorming ideas for a novel or discussing characterization techniques—we offer consultations on an hourly basis.
